Saturday, August 17, 2013

Chapter 1 how do we feed the starving

After researching this syndicate, I found some interesting things. In this group all are missionaries, the vast majority being Christian. Through this past millennium, Christian missionaries fed the poor and evangelized the indigenous people worldwide. As the inquisition and such brutal persuasion eased, missionary work took hold as the official hand of conversion. The percentage of the population involved in these activities varied, but the fact that some fed many is a constant of the ages.
Due to the evangelism being a vital component I included those who mainly evangelize or distribute Bibles, the missionaries base their accomplishments on it. How the missionaries are affected by their work and why they care is another common denominator. I have requested simple interviews, which often are affirmations, and I am going to share them. My Query below:

                 My name is Coleman Weeks and I am an author. I am writing a non-fiction book titled "How are we feeding the worlds starving?" and need your help. Not only will I explain the charity accomplishments, operation, and efficiency ratings, but we will apply equal effort on discussing how this work benefits the operators and participants spiritually.

I hope that this study will strengthen all of God's people by explaining our fulfillment. In my meager role in the Lord's plan, I have felt the hand of Jesus on my shoulder, and that provided me with confidence in my acts of kindness. I can only wonder about your spiritual fulfillment realized by the immense heavy lifting you accomplish. 

Please take a moment to explain the gain of working for the Lord on your well being to encourage others to love their neighbors. I know you are very busy and I am asking a great deal, but my time is limited and your help is needed. Thank you for your time.

Coleman Weeks
(239) 405-4339 or

 Dear Mr. Weeks. Thank you for contacting us recently, telling us about your non-fiction book, “How are we feeding the world’s starving?” It sounds like an interesting work and one that you are committed.
As you may know, we distributed 14,000,000 meals to the hungry and needy people of Haiti last year. It is a large and important task and requires a lot of effort on many peoples’ parts in order to accomplish it. We are so blessed to have wonderful donors and sponsors who make it possible to serve these “least of them” for God’s Kingdom in Haiti. As Bobby and Sherry Burnette look back on their 28 years of service in the mission field, they recognize that everything that Love A Child has been able to do have been because of God and His faithfulness. Their time in the mission filed has been a great testimony to the power of living by Faith. When the Lord would put a new project into their hearts, they would not question it, or debate how it could ever be done. They went ahead with confidence knowing that since He had asked it, He would provide for it. Bobby and Sherry always say that serving the Lord, even in the harsh mission field of Haiti, is a Joy, it is not a burden. They see this to from so many of the short-term mission team members who come for days at a time to live as missionaries. When they are ready to leave to go back to their homes and families in the US, many say they got more out of their service than the people they served. Bobby frequently reminds us that only that which is done for the Kingdom is lasting. Bobby and Sherry have learned that when you live by Faith, you learn to demonstrate that “love is something that you do.” I hope these reflections help you in gaining material for your book, and I apologize for being so long to reply to your request for help. Please let us know if there is anything else, you think you may need.
Good luck with your book, and Best Blessings,

Rad Hazelip | Assistant Executive Director  

The next answer to my question was from Jerry and Barbara Krosnowski, directors and founders of Risen Savior Missions, for more insight on these generals in evangelical army of missionaries feeding orphans and grown-ups in the direst conditions. After decades of this work, they have sacrifice and joy when they accomplish their goals. In the July,2013 newsletter below, Jerry describes what he sees as terror.
 It is very unusual newsletter because these missionary pictures were at night in Manila. Did you know that RSM's distribution partner TNK’s outreach with FMSC/RSM donated vitamin packed food, is the only full time charity in Manila doing this kind of work with Street children at such a grand scale 24/7. This makes us as an American charity and you as donors the only American charity shipping humanitarian relief food for this kind of missionary night work with the thousands of homeless and parentless Street children in cooperation with our Philippine partners in Manila
 Our RSM missionary partners in Manila, such as TNK, report that the number of orphaned children living on the streets of Metro Manila is on the rise. Life on the streets for anyone is extremely difficult and dangerous, let alone for a young child in an area like Metro Manila, with a population of 11.5 million people and another 10 million people in the Greater Manila area. Every day brings the challenges of food, clothing, and shelter, and every night is a constant battle for survival. Starving children search everywhere, combing through garbage on the street for something to eat. Often they resort to licking clean the insides of discarded wrappers and containers, because their hunger is so great. Sleeping brings its own set of problems.
Many children have great difficulty finding a secure place to rest. They tend to congregate together for safety, sleeping between office buildings or near a busy intersection. There are many children like Fred and his friend, trying to sleep on makeshift cardboard mats in the entryway of a business. At nine years old, he chooses to sleep here where it is very polluted and noisy from traffic, just for safety. In another part of Metro Manila, Mary sleeps on the curb of a busy city intersection. Even though the vehicle traffic presents a terrible danger to her, it is the safest place she can find to rest her weary head.

Street Children in Manila
Other children choose to sleep in the cemeteries. These two boys are trying to get some sleep tonight on the above ground graves. They seek refuge in the cemetery in order to hide from street gangs and other predators. Orphaned children are easy prey to street gangs and human traffickers. They enslave the kids by injecting them with drugs and then force them into their “business” of prostitution. Other orphans sell themselves in a well-known prostitution area of Manila just for a bowl of rice. The terror of physical abuse and the pain of intense starvation and loneliness can be overwhelming for these children. In order to escape the horrors, some kids will soak a rag in chemicals and hold it to their face or spray a substance in a plastic or paper bag and inhale the vapors. These boys are trying to forget their pain by sniffing vapors from a nearly empty glue can found in a nearby city garbage dump. RSM food distribution partners are combing the streets at night to aid these forgotten and neglected children. They work to find the orphaned street kids, apply first aid to their wounds and infections, and encourage them to come to one of our feeding program sites. Once we have gained their trust and they come for a good meal, we can get them the help they gravely need and work to place them in a loving home or in a safe orphanage. Your prayers and donations enable us to continue this great work and save these homeless and parentless children living on the edge of darkness! Help us be the hope for thousands of these street children and end their suffering. They so desperately need us, and we heartily thank you on their behalf. May our work together be blessed!
With Love, Admiration and Respect,
Your brother and sister in Christ,  Jerry and Barbara   
Risen Savior Missions Gerald and Barbara Krosnowski  Chairman

Send your gift to:
Risen Savior Missions
812 Springhill Drive
Burnsville, MN 55306
Use PayPal donations via credit card on our website:
Next Bernie with Starfish Ministries shares his experience with us.

Hi Coleman,

Sounds like an interesting project you are pursuing. I'm not sure if my thoughts and experience are what you are looking for but here goes. 

For our ministry, Starfish Ministries, and me we did not have a plan to start a ministry. However trying to stay close to Jesus, He led us in this direction AND we obediently responded to His call. I Thes. 5:24 says, "Faithful is He who has called you and He also will bring it to pass". God has called, He is faithful and He is bringing it to pass, and He is to receive the glory for all He is accomplishing in and through us. Our confidence is in the Faithful Lord. Our goal is not to focus on our own fulfillment but to focus on being obedient to whatever God asks of us. And of course, that has included reaching out and making a difference in the lives of 1000's of needy Haitians. 

I thank God for inviting us to be a small part of what He is doing in Haiti. 

In His service,


Next Jill  gave me some direction and it was a good one.
I was pleased to receive your email. I thought that y0u might be interested in this workshop at Duke Divinity School.
Jill Staton Bullard              Co-founder   CEO       919 250-0043  x-3875
Summoned Toward Wholeness
A Conference on Food, Farming, and the Life of Faith
Duke Divinity School
September 27, 2013 to September 28, 2013
Scripture portrays God as a gardener, farmer, and shepherd. It describes Jesus as “the bread of life” who invites people to the Lord’s Table so they can learn to feed his sheep. It is hard to read the Bible and not see that God cares deeply about food and agriculture.
Join plenary speakers Ellen F. Davis, Joel Salatin, Scott Cairns, and Norman Wirzba, and 12 workshop leaders, as we explore multiple connections between food, farming, and the life of faith. Discover how a concern for food and agriculture can deepen faith and heal our lands and communities.

ctions and intentions, most responses were affirmations of faith, but anything from you would be great.

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